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How to update your home…

One of the most exciting aspects of starting a new year is discovering new trends for our homes. Which colours and designs will appear in the shops? Here is a round up of the trends for this year.


Every year Pantone the colour specialist announces it’s colour of the Year. For 2017 it has chosen Greenery. This fresh yellowy green is set to influence designers in fashion, interiors, food and travel. Green has often been used to bring the outdoors into our home and we will probably see the return of the house plant this year. If you are anything like me, that trend will be short lived in our home, as I can kill any indoor plant within a matter of days…!

There is also a darker green called Kale which will also prove popular this year.


As life becomes even busier and with most of us spending much of the day using gadgets, we begin to crave a quiet corner of sanctuary in our home to escape the digital distraction. An excellent space for this is the bedroom with that comfortable chair or old sheepskin rug. In fact anywhere that makes you feel relaxed and cut off from the daily grind. Perhaps the warmth and comfort may encourage a few moments of mindfulness or yoga.


Metallic golds, bronzes and silver will still feature heavily in 2017. A move away from copper in favour of more delicate rose gold. Reflective surfaces will add to the sparkle of the metals to create a glitzy, light feel.


In line with the green colour, pattern has also been inspired by nature. Bedding, curtains and accessories are showing bold patterns of flowers, plants and trees.


Another natural material makes a comeback this year in the form of cork. Although we are familiar with noticeboards made from cork, the new trend will see entire walls of cork and accessories to match, particularly in the home office or study. Highly useful for pinning notes and helps to soundproof a room too with it’s noise deadening properties.




As with any trend, we can pick out the pieces that we love and ignore those that do not appeal. To add some freshness to our home, by just simply painting a wall or adding an accessory such as a new mirror or cushions, can have us falling in love with our home all over again. Enjoy…




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